10 Common Vegetables and Fruits That Can Kill or Hurt Your Dog – BEWARE!

Beware of Fruits and Vegetables


Photo: tOrange.biz Valdemar Fisherman on Flickr

#7 Currants

Just like grapes and raisins, currants (some currants are actually small, black grapes) are toxic to your dog! Some dogs are resistant to the toxins that currants contain, which is similar to the toxins that grapes and raisins contain as well.

Why it can be bad for dogs: 

According to Pet Poison Hotline, “this common fruit can result in anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and potentially severe acute renal failure (which develops several days later).” To keep your pet from developing severe, acute kidney failure, keep him away from currants!

What to do: 

If you think your dog ingested currants, call your Pet Poison Helpline or veterinarian for treatment advice.

On the next page learn about another common fruit that surprisingly enough is dangerous for dogs to consume, but only in certain circumstances:

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