10 Common Vegetables and Fruits That Can Kill or Hurt Your Dog – BEWARE!

Beware of Fruits and Vegetables


Photo: Karl Sullivan on Flickr

#9 Rhubarb

Isn't rhubarb delicious in pies? Even though it makes a pie taste delicious, you should be aware that it can be toxic to dogs. It's likely that a dog will rarely consume large amounts of rhubarb, you should still consult with your vet if your pooch happens to eat a lot of this plant.

Why it can be bad for dogs: 

This plant contains oxalate crystals that bind with a body's calcium, which can cause a sudden and potentially dangerous drop in your dog's calcium levels. Symptoms your dog may experience includes a loss of appetite, vomiting, drooling, diarrhea, weakness, lethargy, and even tremors and bloody urine!

What to do: 

If your dog experiences any of the symptoms mentioned above after eating rhubarb or if you think your furry pal has too much of the plant, call your vet for treatment advice.

For one more troublesome fruit, dog owners should be aware of, check out the next page. Thankfully, this fruit is usually mild to moderate compared to other fruits.

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