10 Common Vegetables and Fruits That Can Kill or Hurt Your Dog – BEWARE!

Beware of Fruits and Vegetables


Photo: Thomas on Flickr

#10 Apricots

Like cherries apricots are delicious, but you should be wary of the other parts of the plant. Small amounts of the flesh of an apricot should be fine for your pooch to consume, but don't allow your dog to eat the stem, leaves or core of a peach!

Why it can be bad for dogs: 

The leaves and stems on an apricot are very toxic to dogs. Parts of this plant contain cyanogenic glycosides (cyanide) which not only is toxic for dogs but humans as well.

What to do: 

Do not allow your dog to eat apricots in their entirety because the toxic parts of this fruit can cause respiratory failure that in severe cases leads to death. Instead of allowing your dog to eat a lot of fruit like apricots, give your pooch healthy dog treats instead.


Of course, the severity of the effects from all of the vegetables and fruits discussed varies depending on the dog breed and situation. Depending on how healthy your dog is, this is another aspect that plays a part in how much toxicity from fruits and veggies will have. Furthermore, the age and size of your pooch should also be taken into consideration.

Always be aware of your pooch eats and your dog happens to consume something hazardous to his health don't be afraid to consult with a vet or poison hotline. They can provide you with the best advice in regards to what you should do and if your dog requires treatment!

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