10 Common Vegetables and Fruits That Can Kill or Hurt Your Dog – BEWARE!

Beware of Fruits and Vegetables

apple seeds

Photo: USFWS-Pacific Region on Flickr

#3 Apple Seeds 

Apples are a bit more tricky in regards to feeding them to your dog. The flesh and skin of apples have tons of crunchy goodness that include vitamin C, and vitamin A. Most dogs love apples, but your dog should never eat the core of an apple!

Apples are a tricky fruit where dogs are concerned. The skin and flesh of apples come loaded with crunchy goodness including vitamin A and vitamin C, and most dogs love the taste of this treat, but never let your dog eat the core!

Why it can be bad for dogs: 

If you guessed the seeds, then you are correct! The seeds in apples contain cyanide, which can have serious effects. In fact, even humans should not eat them due to their impact that build up over time. Since most dogs have a lower body weight, they are more susceptible to the accumulated effects of the eaten seeds.

What to do: 

If your fur baby only eats a few seeds you shouldn't be too concerned, but it's still important to consult with your veterinarian if you have any questions. The issue with apple seeds and similar toxic fruits and vegetables is that the toxicity builds up as time goes on. For example, if your dog ends up loving apples and decides to eat all of the apples on your kitchen counter while you're at work, you should be more concerned.

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