Pug Dog Encephalitis (PDE) is an idiopathic inflammatory disease primarily affecting the forebrain and thalamus of a doggy. It has also been called the more technical necrotizing meningoencephalitis. The disease is mostly noted in Pugs and Maltese dogs but has also been diagnosed in Yorkies and Chihuahuas.
At this time, the disease is considered incurable but is being researched all of the time and, experts say, a cure may be found very soon. Still, that is little solace for those pet parents who have lost a pug that was diagnosed with PDE.
Be certain, if your pug has been diagnosed with this terrible disease, to notify the breeder where you got him or her. It is hoped, by looking back to where PDE started, a cure can be invented but we must all keep vigilant!
To learn more please go to the next page and let us continue to keep our dogs healthy and happy!
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Karen Penney
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Wanda Reed-Sweeny
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I had a Pug who had th8s, it was horrible.
Diane Shearing Claffey
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I lost my 3 year old pug to this, it’s horrible
Tanya Dean Patterson
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Heartbreaking disease:(
Amanda Cumberland Fazzini
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Our first pug had it it’s terrible
Benay Croft
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I had a pug that died of it and my heart was broken.
Bernadette Garrad-Williamson
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My 4 year old pug has had 5 seizures that we know of. So far she’s not showing any of the other symptoms of this disease. I pray she doesn’t have it.
Mary Langley Kerner
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I rescued a pug that had this horrible disease I tried everything I could to keep her alive the seizures just got worse as time went on it was heartbreaking.
Robyn Phillips Law
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So sad
Cathy Cook Mara
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My pug buster died from this horrible disease
Camden Toste
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Jessica Campbell
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My beautiful baby Ellie is fighting this horrible disease right now. She is doing well she has had it for 3 months. She was 13 months old when she started showing symptoms. She had an MRI and spinal tap that confirmed encephalitis.
Shelley Sutton
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Mal Sutton
Pia Bergqvist
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Min lilla Mops fick tyvärr lämna oss endast nio månader gammal pga PDE
Christine Green
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That’s why I always knew the genetics of my pug
Jaime Hogan
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Marilyn Gerber
Sandra Angulo
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Diane Shearing Claffey
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My first pug died from this at the age of three
Heather Slone-Breeze
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My pug was 15yrs of age. Started acting really different.. She stopped eating /drinking and having seizures. I know that she was up in age and by the time I got her to the vet she died there.. Just so strange how she was fine one day then within a few days.. Dead. I hope they can find a cure for this.. It’s so sad to see them suffer.
Margaret Sather
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Same here. The vet did a post mortem MRI of his brain and half was completely necrotic. He said it was the most aggressive case he had seen.
Diane Shearing Claffey
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Margaret Sather so sorry. Mine had seizures for about 7 months and they didn’t know why
Andrea Clark
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I lost my sweet pug Minnie last year to this. She was only 7. I miss her everyday.
Cindy Scanlan
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I list my first dog, my Pug named Tully & she was only 2 years old. I had to take her on an emergency basis to a 24 hour vet in Weymouth MA. They led me to believe she could survive & live with this disease. $5,000.00 and one day later she was gone. It nearly killed me as well. Shame on those vets that gave me false hope.
Cindy Scanlan
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I feel your pain….
Theresa Butler
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That is how My Sadie died, 6 months after diagnosis, they said it is always fatal. She was almost 5.
Janet Shattenberg Stewart
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I lost my Molly pug to this disease at 18 months. Gone within 24 hours of symptoms.
Bry Stow
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Kris Stow Hamilton
Elizabeth Norris
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So cute
Dee Merzova
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We lost our male Pug, named Moe to this disease. He was a rescue along with our female, so we couldn’t trace it back. We were so heartbroken….. we miss him because we loved him so. Poor little guy….he was a trooper to the end. He was approximately 11-12 years old when he passed.
Alicia Heath
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I couldn’t even imagine. I pray that our baby girl is protected from this horrible disease!!!
Nancy Ross
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Wish I could find a pug puppy for my sister in Idaho Falls Idaho HELP !
Casey Altenburg-Beckett
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I lost my precious 4 year old Ellie to this devastating disease. It is really hard to diagnose and two vets thought she had a back injury and was in pain. Finally took her back to the vet for a third time and she had a two minute gran-mal seizure after the vet again said it was her back. Looking back she had a seizure the night before when we were asleep. So it could be epilepsy or PDE. Never heard of it, went and looked up the symptoms and cried. I knew what she had. She had another seizure while she spent the day at the vet. Her symptoms started on Monday and she was gone that Friday. Worst thing ever.
Cathy Nance
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I agree. We never got the actual diagnosis, but I looked it up, & it could be nothing else. My Annie was only 2. She went quickly, too. She was seizing continually unless sedated. We made the decision to help her pass over after about 4 days.
Erik Arteaga
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funny and hilarious
Sharon Taber Breeding
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Poor sweet pug
Patricia Hammond
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Sherry Brovas
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My sweet Su-Lin died of PDE when she was 2.
Sherry Brovas
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Cherri McClelland
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So very sad … my heart hurts for you. My boy presented with this little known condition when he was 4. My initial thought was swelling of the brain. Between me and the vet we pulled him through. The vet asked me what I was doing at home for him because he was so surprised how well he was doing. It took two years, but he is 10 now and doing very well. There is hope.
Debra Kozlowski
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I lost 2 pugs to this awful disease. My Maks just turn 3 years old
Carole Steel
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Theresa Butler
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My beautiful girl Sadie died of this disease after a 6 month diagnosis, it is a fatal disease. We were so heartbroken, most of all her brother Roscoe, he is 8 now. The local Vet knew nothing about this disease, I had to find out about it online!
Sarina Brook
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Theresa Butler
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My Sadie died from this disease at almost 5 years. We were heart broken!
Pug & Boston
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What a time to be alive 🙂
Wanda Reed-Sweeny
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My Daisy also had this and it was horrible. I’m still heartbroken and she’s been gone 8 years
Steven Thomas
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Greg Stewart
Sarina Brook
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Pamela Taylor
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Jean Baugh
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