It will come for all of us sooner or later. Our fur babies will approach us, appearing tired and run down, not at all like they were a mere few years before, and you will start to count the years down on your fingers. Really? Fifi is thirteen years old? You have noticed her slowing down, not as eager to go on her walk as she once did, but could your precious pooch really be fading?
Just the thought of it brings tears to our eyes but, after all, every living thing on this earth is mortal. In other words, we all have an expiration date, as much as we hate to admit it.
So, how do you know when your best friend is edging that fine line between a quality life and a painful end?
We desperately want to believe, with the new advances in medicine, that our doggy can be saved, given another chance, but we have to really think about what we are asking.
Is it possible we are being selfish and our pooch needs the comfort of a final sleep? Go over to the next page to know when it is time to say goodbye to a fur baby!
Next Page »

Jeff Miller
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My last pug, took a dramatic turn for the worse one weekend. I was out of town and friends of mine were watching her. She was fine on Saturday and their son took what is now my favorite picture of her. The next day, she just laid down and would move. I picked her up on Monday morning and took her to the vet for a pre-planned appointment. When she wouldn’t acknowledge a treat immediately in front of her nose, I knew.
Terry Biggert Sullivan
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It’s the final act of love we can show them. No more pain or suffering. Been there done many times:(
Cal-Jen Tanouye Sr.
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It’s such a hard decision to make but if you love your fur baby, you do what is best/kindest to him/her.
Too many people drag it out for far too long, for selfish reasons.
I had to make the choice just last month with my cat. It hurt to lose him but I couldn’t let him suffer.
Cal-Jen Tanouye Sr.
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So very true
Anita DeFluri
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I am struggling with that decision for my 10 year old pug. Recently diagnosed diabetic-started on Novalin and developed an allergic reaction to it. Now on Vetsulin and does not feel well at all on it….she won’t eat her food, can’t get pills in her for her aching back. She’s so down…15 minutes after this insulin she pants so heavy and is clearly in a little distress
Sharon Chaput
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I lost my little girl yesterday, she was my sweet kind companion for 14 years. Through good times and bad times she was always by my side. There is aching emptiness in my heart. I love you my little Millie, until we meet again!
Nicole Spivey
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It is a difficult decision. We put it off longer than we should have, but when my 16 year old pug woke me up at night crying in pain I knew it was time. Part of me knows that I let him suffer too long, but then part of me feels guilty for giving up on him too soon.
Chris Harris
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Sorry to hear about your little puggy health probs. 10 yrs old… your pug still has a few good years left. Good luck and hope for a breakthrough
Shawn Brock
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I am struggling with that decision right now
Johnny Sipes
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I just lost my old man pugsley on june 24 it was a hard thing to have to do but it was for the best he is in no more pain he was 14 years old
Johnny Sipes
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Lost mine on the 24 of this month he was 14 also sorry for your loss
Marcus Goodwater
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I put my girl down last week. Miss her terribly. She was almost 14.
Lisa Ferraro Porcelly
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So am I …
Shawn Brock
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She’s having neurological leg problems
Lisa Ferraro Porcelly
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My sweet daisy is 12 and living on meds. Predisone and hydrocodone. She has 3 masses on her spleen, fluid in her lungs (surgery not a great option) She still loves to eat which keeps me hopeful. Everyone tells me you will know.. and I get that but she’s my world.
Angel McLaurin
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James Scott
Ada Dueben
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We had to put our pug to sleep May 2nd. She had spinal issues and was unable to walk. She was on pain medication every 8 hours plus 2 different prescription for eyes. The fentynel patch didn’t work. She was 13 and so loving and loyal. One of the hardest things to do but she was in too much pain.
Nicolas Taylor
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Michael Taylor
Anita DeFluri
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Chris Harris thank you. I’m at a loss really…my last pug was 16 yrs old when she died and no health issues at all
Jeanette Monast
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Lost my Molly the 24 of Feb. The ache is awfull.
Jeanette Monast
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Rita Loomer
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Been there a few times, I’m down to 1 pug now. She is 8, I pray she stays with me for many more years. I truly know what everyone is going thru with all these comments, they are family !❤️
Shannon Votaw
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We put Elmo asleep on December 20th…kidney and heart failure and possibly cancer related issues. He was 13 years old.
Keri Warchol-Lecrenski
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I love my baby Yogi…He just turned 6…Half Dachshund half Pug
George Anton
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I lost my pug Harley do to sinus cancer. Hardest thing I ever had to do but it was best for him. Miss him so much.
Lori Teasdale
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We had to say good bye to.our Maxine on Thursday. It was the compassionate choice but we’re just devastated.
Olga Nan
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My pug was 11 when he came down w diabetes. He got insulin 2x a day and with careful monitoring for the correct dose initially, he lived to 15. Much love to you and your baby ❤️
Anita DeFluri
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Olga Nan any reactions to it? The first one she got hives everywhere, the second one is total appetite change, constipation, panting and back end weakness. Not sure if insulin is going to work for her???
Lisa Oz
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It is a shame that in most places humans are not allowed to make these decisions about the end of their own lives.
Rose Jones
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Not a good post on Christmas eve!!!
Jacqueline Shults
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Sorry! Love ones don’t choose when to pass Dear Rose!
Rose Jones
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Shut up dear jacqueline!
Lyla Tomberlin
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Just slowing down does not indicate its time and no it doesn’t need to be posted tonight.