We would think if it’s a vegetable it is good for you. When talking about human beings nine out of ten times you would be right.
However, our pets are a completely different thing. There are veggies that our dogs can eat but there are others, like avocados, you want to avoid entirely! Just like how chocolate can be poison to our doggies there is vegetation out there, particularly if prepared with butter or salt, that are life threatening!
But how can we know? After the break, go over to the next page and we will give you some examples of the vegetables you can and cannot feed your dog.
Just think, your pooch might be able to eat broccoli – even if we would have to wonder WHY he’d want to eat it. LOL!
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Lieve Haesaert
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Dat is geen eten voor een hond ,je kan het mixen met iets dat hij graag eet ,dat is een beetje over de top