Uncover Whether a Dog Can Eat Veggies Such as a Cucumber, Tomato, or Celery

dog eating vegetables and food

Obviously, animals are hit and miss with vegetables. There are some that they can eat with little to no problem more than others, however, there are still foods that are not just bad for them but out and out dangerous! If you have any questions talk with your vet or animal poison control. Meanwhile, here are some examples:


Can dogs eat tomatoes?

Yes and no. This may cause some consternation, but in small quantities, the tomato fruit is okay for dogs. There has long been a debate on dogs and tomatoes, but the worst a little bit of ripe tomato will do to a dog is cause some stomach upset. Large quantities of tomato should not be fed to dogs; ingested in great enough volumes, naturally occurring chemicals in the fruit can cause heart and nervous system problems.

The green parts of the tomato plant — the vine, leaves, stems, and unripe fruit — are another matter altogether. Solanine is a chemical found in high concentrations in these parts. One of the tomato’s natural defenses, solanine is found throughout the nightshade family, including the tomato and potato. If you have tomatoes in your garden, you’re better off keeping the dog out.

Can dogs eat carrots?
Your dog is safe with carrots, preferably cut up into smaller sticks or pieces that they can easily chew on.

Can dogs eat cucumbers?
Yes! Especially if it’s peeled and given in chewable portions, cucumber is fine for dogs. As for pickles, the excess of vinegar and salt in pickles may be a bit more than your dog’s digestive system would appreciate.

Can dogs eat onions?
No! Eaten by dogs, onions cause red blood cells to break down, a condition called hemolytic anemia. The breakdown of red blood cells means that the dog gets less oxygen. The more concentrated the onion, the more quickly it works. Your dog should avoid garlic as well for the same reason. If you’re like me and enjoy onion in your guacamole, it’s even more a reason to keep that avocado dip you find delicious well away from your dog.

Can dogs eat celery?
Cut into small, chewable, digestible pieces — with the leaves removed — celery is okay for dogs in limited amounts. Too much can cause them to urinate a great deal more than usual.

Nutritionally, we want the best for our pups so it is nice to know that sticking a few veggies in their diet can be a very good thing. Again, it depends on the vegetable but if Fido has a yen for a cucumber it is nice to know that his digestive system is okay with it.

Check with Dogster for more safe and unsafe vegetables.

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