10 Common Vegetables and Fruits That Can Kill or Hurt Your Dog – BEWARE!

Beware of Fruits and Vegetables


Photo: Vicky & Chuck Rogers on Flickr

#2 Mushrooms 

It's true that a lot of dogs have healthy digestive systems that can handle a lot, there are some mushroom species you should be aware of because a few are toxic! Similar to how humans react to mushrooms, not every mushroom will affect your dog's digestive system, however, some are very toxic. Even worse, these types of mushrooms are complex to identify.

Why it can be bad for dogs: 

The most toxic of mushrooms can cause the destruction of cells, especially kidney and liver cells. Mushrooms that are not as toxic can affect a dog's nervous system and also cause gastrointestinal irritation. Symptoms to be aware of for mushroom poisoning include diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, lethargy, and even a coma.

What to do: 

Bring your pooch to your local veterinarian immediately or if they are not open an emergency pet hospital will be required. According to PetMD, “Mushroom poisoning is an emergency that will require immediate hospitalization. Often, activated charcoal is given by mouth to bind the toxins present in the stomach and intestines.”

What other veggies and fruits could be dangerous to your pet’s health? Head over to the next page for another hidden threat:

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