Help! My Dog’s Feet Smell Like Fritos – Wanna Know Why?

Ok, let's be real. We know you don't actively seek out your dogs feet so you can sniff at them. That would be gross… and unsanitary (depending on whether nose/foot contact is made). But when you're playing with your pup or lounging around watching TV or reading and their feet are propped up on your lap, you've probably had a whiff or two and wondered: Why do my dogs feet smell like a bag of Fritos? And if that's ever happened to you, you probably didn't think much of it and went back to your TV show or reading material. But what if we told you there was actually a reason behind those Frito fragrance'd feet and the culprit was…. fungus?

Yep. It's true. That random odor that reminds you of brown bagged lunches in grade school is really a fungal infection. This type of infection that affects theĀ feet in canines typically stems from an allergy to food or something within their environment.

On page 2 we'll tell you more about the symptoms and how you can treat them (SPOILER ALERT: You can do it yourself!)


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