10 People Foods That Can KILL Your German Shepherd

No one wants their dog to go hungry. Most of us would go without food in order to feed our pups. They're like our children. We can't handle the thought of their tummies feeling empty. But what if the people food you occasionally toss their way is more than just a treat, but actually harmful or even… deadly?

Imagine this scenario: You've gone on a hike or a day outing with your dog. Somewhere along the way, you've run out of doggy treats. There you are, enjoying your lunch (and the company of your pooch!) when you look down mid-chew and see your dog staring at you intently. Those big brown eyes watch hungrily as you take another bite. You feel a slight pang of guilt, knowing you should've packed more treats for your dog, but given your current situation there's nothing you can do. To appease those sweet dewy eyes, you rip off a piece of your cheese sandwich and offer it up to your salivating pooch who scarfs it down within a millisecond.  Where's the harm, right?


Contrary to popular opinion, many common human foods are not safe for dog consumption. These foods can be harmful to their system and in some cases, they can be deadly. Don't make a mistake that could cost your dog their life. Educate yourself and do what you can to protect your dog.

On the next page we'll tell you EXACTLY which People Foods Can KILL Your Dog!


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