10 People Foods That Can KILL Your German Shepherd


Being an educated pet owner is very important. Learn which common human foods are toxic and even deadly for your four legged fur friend before it's too late!

1. Chocolate

This delicious human dessert can be quite deadly for canines. A key ingredient within most types of chocolate (white, milk or dark) is caffeine, which can cause severe digestive issues for your dog. The most common symptoms for dogs after eating chocolate are: seizures, vomiting, extreme stomach cramping, high body temperatures and in some cases, death.

2. Bacon

This might sound confusing because there are numerous tv commercials that advertise bacon flavored dog food and treats. While the flavor might be bacon inspired, pet food distributors have carefully eliminated the rich fat that proves harmful when consumed by dogs. Most humans can process the rich fat found in bacon through their pancreas. Unfortunately for dogs, this isn't the case. Feeding your pooch bacon over a period of time can cause them to develop pancreatitis, which deprives their bodies of essential nutrients and causes severe gastric distress.

3. Grapes

These tasty fruits should be avoided by dogs at all costs. Studies show that grape consumption by canines can result in kidney failure. Common symptoms include: vomiting, frequent urination, lethargic behavior and dehydration.

4. Onions & Garlic

One might be skeptical about why a dog would eat onions or garlic to begin with, as most dogs avoid foods with a strong odor. That may be, but if you've ever lowered your dinner plate to the floor for your pooch, you'll remember that anything on the plate is fair game. They can't discern steak from potatoes from carrots from onions. They tend to eat it all. And this can be very dangerous if onions or garlic have been used in your meal. These foods contain components that are highly toxic for canines. In severe cases, a blood transfusion may be necessary to help rid the toxicity from your dogs blood.

5. Beer/Alcoholic Beverages

You might be wondering how this could even be an issue. After all, who on earth would knowingly provide their dog with alcohol? Sadly, with just a quick Google search you'll see plenty of videos and images that prove this to be an issue. Most would have no idea they're placing their dog in an extremely dangerous situation. Symptoms in severe cases of canine alcohol consumption include: coma, seizures and death

6. Moldy Food

Some might scoff at the idea of feeding their pooch moldy food. But it happens. Dogs are also notorious for getting into the trash, so food you didn't necessarily intend for them could still be consumed. Various harmful toxins are found in moldy foods. Symptoms associated with moldy food consumption are: body convulsions and muscle spasms that can result in death.

7. Avocado

Some dogs shy away from veggies and save their begging for meat and other aromatic dishes. But other dogs seem to gravitate towards avocados. Don't let a slice slide out of your sandwich to the floor! This slick fruit (yes, it's a fruit) has been linked to upper respiratory issues in canines. If your pooch develops a taste for avocados, be sure to properly dispose of the pit. Dogs can smell the avocado flesh on the pit and instinctively bite and swallow the pit, which can cause airway obstruction and if not dislodged, result in death.

8. Bread/Dough

If you're trying to diet, chances are you're avoiding bread. This is because the yeast in bread products expands your stomach and can make you feel bloated. When consumed by dogs, yeast does the same thing only causing much more harm. The yeast can ferment within your dogs stomach lining and the result can be an inflamed intestinal tract or a stomach rupture. Neither are pleasant for your pooch, so ditch the bread.

9. Milk/Cheese

Unless you're lactose intolerant, you probably enjoy dairy from time to time. This might seem like a mild and harmless treat for your dog to indulge in from time to time, but it's actually proven to be quite harmful for dogs. Both milk and cheese contain sugars and fatty enzymes that a dogs system cannot properly break down. In some instances, this will cause gastric distress for your pooch involving: gas, bloating, cramping and diarrhea.

10. Apples

While portions of an apple are completely safe for canine consumption, all pet owners should be aware that consuming an apple core could cost your dog their life. The core of an apple contains cyanogenic glycosides. It's a long pair of words, but the first four letters should give you a clue: Cyanide. It's crazy to think this harmful toxin exists in a commonly consumed fruit, but it's true. The amount found within an apple core is safe for humans, however it can be lethal for dogs. Symptoms associated with apple core consumption in dogs are similar to an asthma attack in humans: difficulty breathing, wheezing, seizures and in some instances, a coma.

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