Why Does Fido Stare at Mom and Dad While Pooping? And No, it’s Not Because He’s Embarrassed.

pug pooping

A dog does a number of things of some of us may consider strange, until you understand the reasoning behind it.

Yes, staring at us while going to the bathroom is one of those strange things. You may be curious why your pooch feels the need to stare while going poop! LOL, yes, this is a funny curiosity. Some believe this is due to him feeling embarrassed and by him looking up he is saying “It's okay, I'm cool with this,” but that's just not the case.

So why does a dog stare at you while he poops? Is it because he doesn't have anything else better to do? Or perhaps he's feeling vulnerable and wants to make sure you don't step on his paws while you're near him? Your guess is as good as mine!

Well, it turns out there's another reason why your doggie may be staring at you while he does his business.

After the break, learn what the experts think about this funny action your pooch does. It may not be what you expect!

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