Why Does a Dog Stare at His Owners While He Poops? And No, It’s Not Because He’s Embarrassed.

pug pooping

Our experience is not abnormal as it turns out. If the experts below are any indication, dogs have been doing this sort of thing for centuries. Here are a few explanations why our fur friends look at us while they poop!

“If a dog should stare at its owner when relieving itself, he is most likely checking for approval to be sure that he is using the correct location,” Nick Jones, dog behaviorist and trainer with Alpha Dog Behaviour in London, told The Dodo.

“Perhaps if an owner had previously scolded their dog for pooping in the wrong area, this could cause anxiety in the dog as a result.”

Another possibility is more instinctual.

“The pooping position is a vulnerable position for dogs,” Friedman said. “The feeling of being vulnerable is left over from their wild ancestor, the wolf, who still has to fend for himself in the wild. I think dogs are making sure we have their backs while they're in that vulnerable position for an extended period of time.”

While these all make a lot of sense, Dr. Sonja Olson, of BluePearl Veterinary Partners, says your dog might also be trying to communicate.

“By making eye contact, your dog could be asking permission for something,” Olson told The Dodo. “Or your dog could be asking for privacy. All this can vary according to breed, your relationship to the dog and other factors. Or maybe it's you that's initiating and holding the eye contact.”

Humorously, we also like to think our pooch is asking for a newspaper to read while he’s doing his business! To read more go to The DoDo.

Whatever the reason, it’s both a little weird and comforting to know that we are such a big part of our pup’s life that they feel the need to look at us. At least he knows we've got his back — err eye contact!

Still, we always look away. It has nothing to do with privacy. It’s just – Who needs to look at that?! LOL!

Featured Image via William Cortes/Flickr

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