Why Does a Dog Stare at His Owners While He Poops? And No, It’s Not Because He’s Embarrassed.

pug pooping

Yes, we are well aware that this is a very odd topic. Still, it is a curiosity.

Recently our nephew had Little League baseball games a couple of times during the week, and we really looked forward to going to them. Not only was it fun to see him play, but the family dog loved walking around the park. Plus, it was a great exercise time for everyone.

But of course, where there is a walk there is generally a pee and poop time. We looked casually around while Max did his business, kind of hoping no one was watching. Then we looked down at Max and there he was – staring up at us.

Why? Was it because he just didn’t have anything else better to do? That was as good an explanation as any other, we thought. But, as it turns out there may be another reason or two why Max played the staring game.

Go on over to the next page and learn what the experts say as to why your pooch is staring at you while he poops!

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