Can Dogs Safely Eat Raw Eggs?

Dog health is important but its application can be very confusing. Many things from the past documented by “experts” in the field of animal care, have been proven to be not so healthy after all.

Believe it or not, there was a time when chocolate and ice cream was considered a fine delicacy for dogs as long as it was served in moderation. Now it is common knowledge that these tempting desserts are quite harmful, causing diarrhea and other serious medical problems! What is tolerable for human beings is not always a wise choice for your dog.

There has been a long standing controversy about raw eggs added to the diet of your faithful pooch. Are they good for your dog? Are they nutritious?
Or are eggs, while a good part of a wholesome human breakfast, unhealthy for your dog? What about bacteria and dreaded salmonella? Should we be afraid for our fury companions?

Go to page two to get the answer to these and other questions!

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