Two Proteins to Never Feed a Dog Because it Can Result in a Dog Having Serious GI Upset

pug eating near bowl

It's no secret that protein is important for both humans and dogs to eat on a regular basis. Not only does it keep our bodies strong, but Weston A. Price Foundation reminds us that protein has amino acids which are what a dog needs to maintain a healthy diet.

A dog's body is actually made of protein in every facet. Protein is what oxygenates their blood and it also makes sure the cholesterol and fat go smoothly throughout a dog's body. Proteins also help a dog digest and break down waste products as well.

However, it is also important to take note that even though there are plenty of benefits to having a lot of proteins in a dog's diet, there are still proteins that should be fed to a dog.

On the next page learn about what proteins are essential to staying away from when providing Fido a healthy meal. The last thing you want to do is upset his tummy or worse! 

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19 thoughts on “Two Proteins to Never Feed a Dog Because it Can Result in a Dog Having Serious GI Upset

  1. Sick of the click bait… going elsewhere its not hard to type in pugs in you tube and avoid spam riddled bullshit profit seeking websites. ADMINS YOU ARE PATHETIC and clearly get profits from these websites.

  2. I have a pug and I would never Feed my dog again with grains, corn of other soy protein. Sinds I feed him gluten free and only with animal protein, he is healthy. Befor that he had Demodex and much more diarrhea and vomiting.

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