The Health Benefits the Elderly Receive From Owning a Dog Are Astounding

elderly woman with pug

Who knew that the elderly can live healthier lives with dogs?! Find out how!

Researchers at the University of Missouri have determined that older adults who also are pet owners benefit from the bonds they form with their canine companions. Dog walking is associated with lower body mass index, fewer doctor visits, more frequent exercise and an increase in social benefits for seniors.

“Our results showed that dog ownership and walking were related to increases in physical health among older adults,” said Johnson, who also serves as director of the Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction at MU.

Results from the study also indicated that people with higher degrees of pet bonding were more likely to walk their dogs and to spend more time walking their dogs each time than those who reported weaker bonds.

Retirement communities also could be encouraged to incorporate more pet-friendly policies such as including dog walking trails and dog exercise areas so that their residents could have access to the health benefits, Johnson said.

It truly is amazing to find out how much people benefit from having dogs. For the elderly, it helps them keep moving. They not only exercise by walking their dogs, they also socialize a lot more. Dogs are truly man's best friend!

For more on this study, visit Science Daily.

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