Over The Counter Human Meds That Are Okay to Give to Fido!

pug and medication

Sometimes we can't get our sick pups to the vet right away when they're feeling a little ill. We want to make them feel better and safe.

If you're not able to take your sick pooch to the vet due to work conflicts or your vet is booked, there is medication you can give him in the mean time!

That's right, there are a few over the counter meds that humans use that are safe for our doggies too. What a relief! However, remember that doses for dogs are different than the doses that humans take.

You'll learn how much to give your pooch while you wait for your next vet appointment.

Find out which over the counter medications you can give your sick pup after the break and get him feeling better asap!

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19 thoughts on “Over The Counter Human Meds That Are Okay to Give to Fido!

  1. The list did not include baby asprin. Vet told us we could give our pup a quarter baby asprin dose when he was bitten by a snake. We gave this to him every few hours for pain & fever until he got better. Caused no harm & made him feel better.

  2. Um I would never ever give any human medication to an animal ever. Get prescription meds from your vet. I’ve seen what happens when you use human medication on an animal. It can kill them.

  3. I will just wait until my vet allows me to. I love my pug too much to OD him. My mother is advised by our vet to give her Doberman daily Zyrtec and when she has a bad allergy day, Benadryl. Lol

  4. Just stop…this post is not appropriate AT ALL!! Please consult your veterinarian first before trying anything as there may be better options or some things may still not be appropriate for your pet. This was not even written by a veterinarian so please be safe and just ask your vet before trying anything. Dr.Google or any internet “Doctor” doesn’t know everything or fix everything. Be wise not easy.

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