Is the Chlorine in Pools Safe Enough for Your Dog?

Keep your doggy safe this summer. In addition to making sure he stays cool and is not left out in the sun for long periods of time, find out if chlorine in pools can harm your pooch. It's something important that not every pet parent considers!

As temperatures rise and a hairy creature’s thoughts turn to summer swimming, owners across the country are asking themselves: is it ok for my pet to take a dip in the family pool? Here’s what you need to know:

Is Chlorine Toxic for Dogs and Cats?

Like many chemicals with the potential to be dangerous, the hazards of chlorine exposure are dose dependent.From a risk management standpoint, a pet is more likely to become ill from a dunk in a standing pool of water, or a lake filled with unknown microorganisms such as amoeba, than they are from swimming in a properly maintained pool full of chlorinated water.

What Are the Risks of My Pet’s Exposure to Chlorinated Pool Water?

Drinking chlorinated water may cause minor GI irritation, but it should not cause serious issues for pets. Pets who swim for long periods in chlorinated pool water may exhibit some signs of sensitivity, such as red eyes or itchy skin.

Are There Chlorine Alternatives For Pool Owners?

Bromine is the most common chlorine alternative for pool and spa use. A close cousin to chlorine, bromine has a less pungent odor and less prominent bleaching side effects.

Other Pool Safety Risks for Pets

When it comes to swimming, the biggest health risk for any pet is drowning. Although people mistakenly assume a dog’s instinctive paddling behavior means all dogs are water-safe, dogs can panic, tire, and drown in any body of water, chlorinated or not.

Well, it looks like Fido can keep on enjoying those refreshing swimming sessions in the pool! With proper care and constant vigilance, your doggy can have a safe and fantastic time this summer in the pool! Just remember to keep an eye on him so he doesn't drown and dry him off properly to avoid infections!

For more on chlorine pool safety, visit PetMD.

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