How to Lessen Your Fur Baby’s Flea and Tick Risk During the Summer

summer pug

Fleas and ticks shouldn't ruin your summer plans! Here's how to prevent them!

Warm weather brings with it the increased likelihood that pets and pet owners will have to deal with fleas and ticks and the problems they can cause. Fortunately, there are many safe and effective flea and tick preventive products that can help us control these parasites.

Flea bites can cause irritation and induce skin allergies in pets. Fleas can also transmit other parasites, such as tapeworms, and diseases to pets and pet owners. .

Diseases transmitted by ticks in the United States include Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, cytauxzoonosis, ehrlichiosis, hepatozoonosis and tularemia. Some of these diseases can occur in dogs or cats and humans. In fact, Lyme disease is the number one vector-borne disease –– a disease transmitted from one host to another by an insect or arachnid –– of humans in the United States.

Controlling Fleas and Ticks
Flea and tick control is best achieved by placing pets on a preventive product. There are numerous product choices available and your veterinarian can help you determine which is the best option for your pet.

Flea and tick products are available in many forms, including topical spot-ons, oral tablets or liquids and collars. Many products are called “adulticides” because they kill adult fleas or ticks. Most of these products work by paralyzing the nervous system of the flea or tick, resulting in rapid death.

Many professional veterinary organizations, such as the Companion Animal Parasite Council, recommend that all pets be on flea- and tick-control products year-round.

Your veterinarian is your best source of information; he or she can help you decide which product is best for your dog or cat. This summer, knowing your pet is protected against these pests can help you enjoy your time together that much more.

Now that you know the best way to keep your doggy safe from these bugs, you'll be able to relax more! Fleas and ticks won't ruin your summer! Enjoy your time with your pup under the sun!

For more information on flea and tick prevention, visit VetStreet.

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