Hot Concrete Can Burn Your Dogs Paws: Learn How To Protect Your Pooch

Have you ever walked on concrete in bare feet on a hot summer day? Or maybe you've been at the beach and took off your sandals only to realize the sand felt like fire? It can be miserable. And despite our dogs having some extra padding on their paws, they still feel extreme hot and cold on those precious little feet.

The worst part? Your dog can't tell you that they're in pain.

Sure, your pooch is thrilled just to be with you, out of the back yard and taking a walk. The adventure for him often takes precedence over any discomfort he might be feeling. Regrettably, what we don't know could be very painful for your dog.

For instance, did you know that when the air is a comfortable 77 degree temperature on the outside the pavement can reach up to 125 degrees? Ouch! Padded or not, our pooches paws are getting fired up!

Continue reading on the next page and see what you can do this summer to help save your pups paws!

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