Does My Dog Have a Cold? Here’s How to Tell:

pug cold

Catching a cold isn't very fun. Doggies think so too! How do you know if your doggy is sick? Watch out for these symptoms! You'll be able to help your doggy feel better in no time!

How to Know if Your Dog Has a Cold
Colds are airborne viruses that live and breed in our mouths and noses. This is why it’s no surprise that your dog’s oral fixation could be making them sick. Dogs have no natural immunity to the virus, so it’s important to limit their risk factors and keep an eye out for the following symptoms:

Runny nose
Fever (measure with a thermometer if they’ll sit still!)
General lethargy

Other Common Cold-like Illnesses in Dogs
The Canine Flu (or H3N8 virus) is most similar to a cold and is spread the same way. Dogs with Canine Flu might also experience additional symptoms such as loss of appetite or conjunctivitis.
Kennel Cough. This highly contagious respiratory infection is recognizable by a dry cough often associated with a honking sound. A dog with Kennel Cough should be seen by a veterinarian immediately and avoid contact with other dogs.
Allergies are annoying for humans and dogs alike. Dogs can experience seasonal and environmental allergies to pollen, dust, and mites. If your dog’s cold symptoms last for weeks, it could be something in the air.
Distemper. Most dogs are vaccinated against Canine Distemper as puppies, but it’s still important to know the signs, as this viral illness can be life-threatening.

How to Keep your Dog’s Immune System in Top Shape
Dogs have an advantage here, thanks to the 5-in-1 vaccine, which protects against distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus and parainfluenza.
Keep your dog warm and dry at the first onset of symptoms. Everyone loves a dog in a sweater.
Change the water in the water bowl at least once a day.

Make sure your dog gets plenty of rest. The average dog needs 12-14 hours of sleep a day. If you’re anything like the average human, this means your dog should be sleeping nearly twice as much as you.

Now that you know what to look for, figuring out if your pooch is sick will be a lot easier. It's important to help your pup get healthy so he can go back to his old self!

For more information on doggy colds, visit Rover.