Can Your Dog Eat Nuts? Find Out What Types of Nuts are Okay and Which Ones Are Not.

dog food

Want to know what nuts are safe for your dog? Sometimes it's hard to know what people foods you can feed your pooch. Sure there are healthy eats such as veggies and fruits that you can give your pooch (though you still should be careful with these foods too), but knowing what nuts are okay is a little bit more tricky. Luckily there's a guide below that'll help answer your questions about giving your dog nuts. Read on!

Here's a rundown of some common nuts and whether it's safe to feed them to your pooch.


Like peanut butter, peanuts contain healthy fats and protein that are good for your dog. Just don't give your pet too many.


Almonds aren't toxic, says the AKC, but they can be dangerous in other ways. They can block your dog's esophagus or manage to tear his nearby windpipe if they aren't chewed completely.

Macadamia nuts

It's key to not only keep the nuts away from your pet, but also any foods that contain macadamias, because they can be fatal.


Cashews aren't toxic to dogs, so it's typically OK to give your pet just a few for an occasional treat. The AKC points out that the nuts have calcium, magnesium, protein and antioxidants, which are all good for your dog.


Fresh English walnuts, the kind most people eat, can cause a problem for dogs because they are high in fat. Also, because dogs often tend not to chew their food completely, these larger nuts can be harder to digest and can cause obstructions, reports Dogster.


Like many nuts, pistachios are rich in fat. If you choose to feed them to your pup, make sure they are shelled and unsalted and you only feed a few of them occasionally.


Pecans aren't toxic to dogs, says the ASPCA. However they are high in fat. Too many can cause diarrhea and vomiting and can potentially lead to pancreatic problems.

If you think your pet has eaten anything that is potentially toxic, call your vet, the nearest emergency vet clinic or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.

It's good to know that Macadamia nuts can be fatal to pets; just make sure you know what one looks like and never feed this type of nut to your pooch. It's also good to know that pecans are too high in fat, but the other nuts given sparingly to your pet will be a tasty and healthy snack!

Now you get to relax and know how much and what nuts to feed your pooch. Just remember not to overfeed and to also make sure he doesn't react badly to them!

For more information on food and nuts for doggies, visit Mother Nature Network.

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