3 Remedies That Will Help Your Pooch Recover Naturally

sick pug

Poor Fido is sick and you want to help him the natural way. Here are some remedies to get him back to his old self!

Whenever possible, we always prefer a natural alternative to harsh chemicals or dangerous ingredients when treating our dogs. That’s why we love Coconut Oil, Canned Pumpkin, and Diatomaceous Earth – these three natural, safe, and healthy alternatives are proven to work and are completely safe in treating a wide variety of issues, from joint health, to hot spots, to flea control, and digestion, check out these three natural remedies and how to use them:

• Coconut Oil

What You Need to Know about Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil offers multiple benefits not just to us, humans, but even to our animal companions as well. When given to your pooch, it can aid in making his skin healthy by clearing up common skin problems like itchiness, flea allergies, fungal infections, eczema, and contact dermatitis.

How to Use Coconut Oil:

As a food supplement: When you supplement your pooch’s diet with this ingredient, remember to start slow. Bear in mind that giving your dog too much coconut oil hastily can result in digestive and detox problems. Large amounts of this component can cause diarrhea so begin with small amounts and just increase gradually.

As a topical treatment for skin issues: In addition to feeding coconut oil to your dog, you can use it as a topical treatment for a variety of skin issues. Just rub a generous amount of coconut oil directly onto your dog’s skin.

• Canned Pumpkin

What Benefits Fido Can Get from Canned Pumpkin:

Canned pumpkin, which is in puree form, contains lots of dietary fiber which can absorb the excess water in your dog’s stool; thus, making his poop more firm. This makes it perfect for when your dog has diarrhea.

• Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

The Advantages of Using Diatomaceous Earth (DE):

It is a safe, non-toxic substance made up from crushed freshwater organism and marine life fossils that could be deadly to any insect but completely harmless to pets.

How Diatomaceous Earth Works and How to Use it:

DE is generally a powder made of micro-skeletons of deceased diatoms. Those microscopic sharp edges of powdered diatoms have sharp edges that when comes in contact with the insect/parasite, can pierce through its protective coating.

When using diatomaceous earth, consider the following guidelines:

· Wear a mask and put one on Fido. Although this substance is non-toxic, you’ll want to keep it from getting in your lungs.

· Sprinkle the DE along your pooch’s spine. Massage it along his body as you work your way carefully to his extremities, avoiding your dog’s eyes.

These low cost and natural alternatives will really help your dog feel better! You'll also be relieved to know that these remedies are all natural and won't affect your pooch in a bad way. What a relief!

For more about these natural remedies, visit Dogington Post.

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