So…Your Dog Humps Things. What’s up With That?! Find out HERE!

dog humping a toy

Okay, so this may not be a fun topic for everyone discuss, but if you're like me, then you're probably wondering why your dog likes to hump different things. There, I said it. Haha.

It’s almost laughable but every time we have company our pup drags out his favorite stuffed toy and – well – he starts humping. Our guests usually laugh but it is still embarrassing. It never made sense to us. He’s fixed, after all. He shouldn’t have those desires…

But then we learned why humping can still take place and were given a few tips that made his behavior a bit more sensible. It’s not just sexual desire that can cause a pug to hump things, but a dog may still do this to show us all that he is large and in charge – even if it is over a little stuffed toy. In other words, he has a need for dominance.

Dominance is not it's all about, however. There's still much more you should learn about humping and why some dogs are prone to this behavior. Get the deets after the break!

Via Malingering / Flickr

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