So…Your Dog Humps Things. What’s up With That?! Find out HERE!

dog humping a toy

If you have a pup that does not seem to understand that humping isn’t something that should be displayed in front of family, friends — or even yourself – check out the information below!

Why Dogs Do It:
While it’s often a normal part of play behavior, especially for puppies, it can also be intended for sexual purposes or even dominance.

Because humping is not always stem from sexual desire, female dogs and neutered/spayed dogs may still hump.

How Do I Stop My Dog From Humping?
If your dog starts humping for no apparent reason, take him to your veterinarian, as any dramatic behavioral change warrants a vet checkup, Reid says. Your vet may then recommend consulting a veterinary behaviorist — you can find a list of behaviorists at

Unless you’re dealing with puppies at play, curtail this behavior as quickly as you can, Kay says. “The danger of letting this continue is that the dog being humped may not tolerate it and could easily start a fight,” he notes. It can also upset the owners of other dogs he is humping. It's really no way to make friends, you should at least take them to dinner first.

Rather than correcting your pup for humping, though, which could draw attention to the behavior and lead your pup to do it more, redirect his attention with an Off command.

In our case, it was as simple as putting his toys away when company came over and tossing him a Milk Bone(c) but for other dogs it could be more of an issue.

Whatever the situation, this is a fairly natural process for a dog to go through and with time and patience humping can be treated. Eventually, your pooch's behavior will changed. If you would like to read more about this awkward but important subject visit Dog Channel.


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