Selecting a Male or Female Doggy Companion: Is One Better Than the Other?

pug and friend on the grass

If you have never adopted a dog before there are many questions you may need to be answered. What is the best breed? If you have a big or small yard is there a type of dog that is better for one than the other? And what about the sex? Should you get a male or female?

Many believe that if you are a woman a male dog is best. They are more affectionate and easier to train. And if you are a man the opposite is true. A female dog will do anything for her male master.

Truthfully, no one can say if this is scientifically correct. No study has proved without a shadow of a doubt that a pooch of any breed, male or female, will behave a certain way.

Still, there are things to watch for, and if you go to page two we will give you some pointers when it comes to female and male dog ownership!

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13 thoughts on “Selecting a Male or Female Doggy Companion: Is One Better Than the Other?

  1. I don’t buy what this article says. I have had one male dog and he is neutered and he was not dominate. In fact he was the opposite of what the article states. I prefer female dogs because they don’t mark.

  2. Im a female and my female pug is so much easier for me to train than our male. Also, she obeys me much more than my fiance lol! The male pug is a stubborn brat, we’re working in training him, but sometimes it just seems impossible

  3. I have 2 labs that are brothers and both neutered.
    My shadows with one very stubborn! Very.
    I have my female pug who I had spayed. She is stubborn but listens .. Is to work with.
    Yes .. She rules the roost.

  4. Hang in there with the training. I have an English bulldog (female) and super smart…I got her at 4 months old and know she “understood” about pottying outside but it took me the better part of a year to get her 99% pottied trained outside -> just a stubborn streak of “I’ll do it in my own doggone time” sort of thing/attitude. My male English bulldog from about 4 months old on up never-ever gave me a lick of trouble being potty trained….was a breeze. Only accidents he ever had was when he started having prostate problems and when that problem cleared up so did the occasional accidents.

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