Just How Important Are Annual Vet Visits? The Truth Revealed:

sick pug

If your pooch comes down sick you would need to take him to the vet anyway. Chances are, if he gets a yearly exam an ailment will be caught early!

Prevention Is the Key to Good Health
Annual examinations (or at least twice-yearly for some pets) are the cornerstone of a good preventive care regimen, and preventive care is critical for your pet’s health. You may even save money when you can work with your veterinarian to tweak your pet’s care in order to prevent health problems from occurring (changing his diet, for example, to help prevent or reverse obesity), or to catch and treat illness earlier – hopefully before it can adversely impact your pet’s quality of life. The approval of another year’s worth of heartworm medication, as well as a review of all other medications, is part of that process.

Studies show that not all pets get all their heartworm preventive doses, leaving room for infection. Your veterinarian needs to make sure your pet isn't carrying these parasites despite your best intentions. That means you'll need to take him in for a heartworm test at regular intervals.

Also, when you work with your veterinarian you can be certain the dog is getting untainted medications and injections. Often, pet owners contemplate buying over the internet and while it may be less expensive it can also be dangerous.

We know you love your dog and do not want to take the risk. Going to a licensed vet is the way to assure your pup is in excellent hands! To read more on this and other topics go to Vet Street.

It is always advisable to work with your veterinarian, making certain your pet is taking the right medications and rest in the assurance that Rover will stay healthy!

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