Is it Important to Comfort Your Pet When He’s Afraid? The Answer May Surprise You.

close up of a Pug's face

It is a unique issue and it is hard to say where we stand on it. If doggie is afraid should we comfort or ignore him? Whereas some parents may jump to the conclusion that of course you should comfort your dog, others may disagree. It really seems to be 50/50 in regards to this debate! Read the surprising possible merits of both actions and then see where you stand.

Don't reward fearful behavior

“Do not attempt to reassure your dog when she is afraid,” advises The Humane Society of the United States. “This may only reinforce her fearful behavior. If you pet, soothe, or give treats to her when she's behaving fearfully, she may interpret this as a reward for her fearful behavior. Instead, try to behave normally, as if you don't notice her fearfulness.”

Dr. Daniel S. Mills, a veterinarian at the University of Lincoln in England and an expert on canine noise aversion, tells the New York Times that owners should “acknowledge the dog but not fuss over it. Then show that the environment is safe and not compatible with threat, by playing around and seeing if the dog wants to join you. But don’t force it. Let it make a choice.”

Give your dog the comfort he needs

It can be absolutely heartbreaking to watch a petrified pet who starts trembling and panting when loud noises start. For pet owners who can't stand the idea of not trying to help, other experts say it's totally fine to soothe them. After all, dogs look for safety with their packs and we are their packs.

“You can’t reinforce anxiety by comforting a dog,” Dr. Melissa Bain, an associate professor of clinical animal behavior at the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine, tells the New York Times. “You won’t make the fear worse. Do what you need to do to help your dog.”

Ignoring your dog when it's scared is outdated advice, according to a patient handout from the Ryan Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

“Ignoring a fearful, panicky dog deprives him of whatever comfort and psychological support you can give him. It also leaves him without any information about what he should be doing instead,” according to UPenn. “If there is an activity your dog can’t get enough of, that is something to do during storms. This can include playing fetch, chase games, even cuddling and petting, or holding the dog firmly next to you if that comforts him.”

Then there is the third action where a dog owner should just watch their pet and gauge what to do – because no two dogs are alike! To read more go to Mother Nature Network.

We like the idea of playing games with the dog during thunder storms, getting his mind off of the noise but there is something to be said for the occasional puppy hug too!

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14 thoughts on “Is it Important to Comfort Your Pet When He’s Afraid? The Answer May Surprise You.

  1. I don’t trust people who call themselves “experts”. Like humans, each dog is different and has a unique personality. They are not uniform robots. Usually if your dog wants comfort, it will seek you out. If your dog wants to be left alone, it will let you know that too. Use your own common sense and all will be fine.

  2. Sono dolci come il miele. Pero’ é una lotta per farli dimagrire un Po. Rubano dal tavolo appena cade qualche cosa di commestibile si fanno la lotta tra di loro per prendere il biscotto o qualsiasi cosa. Ne ho 2 uno bianco e uno nero e un barboncino molto dolce. Questo ultimo lo devo isolare per dagli la pappa. Non lo fanno mangiare.

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