(VIDEO) Pug is Getting Ready to Eat. When You See How Much He Looks Like a Human? OMG!

pug eating food

They say that some doggies resemble humans. Maybe they resemble their owners but there really are some dogs that are just so human like! It seems the longer you and your doggie spend together the more you become like one another and I definitely think that's true!

When you take a look at this happy Pug, you'll see what I mean! LOL! He is about to get ready to feast on a yummy meal and his owner is preparing it for him.

As he sits patiently and waits for it, you're going to crack up! He is even wearing tiny doggy clothes to look more like a human! LOL! Trust me, you really need to see this little guy in action. He is just too hilarious!

Watch what happens when this adorable Pug gets ready to eat like a human on this cute video on the next page!

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25 thoughts on “(VIDEO) Pug is Getting Ready to Eat. When You See How Much He Looks Like a Human? OMG!

  1. My oldest pug does the same thing. I can have a treat in my hands pressed against his lips or nose and he won’t eat it until I give him the okay and if I tell him easy he will only lick or nibble to get the treat. He is extremely well behaved. He doesn’t leave leave the grass or the yard. When I say bedtime he will walk to the bedroom and go to bed. He’s extremely smart. when he’s being a stubborn smarty pants he will sit down and dead straight face stair at me without blinking.

  2. While I don’t approve of the human food. I have to say that this baby has very good table manners! Some of our fellow humans could really learn awesome table manners from this little guy! My pug Zelphie has pretty good manners, but she doesn’t get a lot of table food!

  3. awwww My pug goes bat$#%&!@*crazy when there is soft food involved. He wont eat until we say it’s okay. But he barks like crazy and lets us know how he feels about having to wait.

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