Amazing Working Dogs to Appreciate on Labor Day and Beyond

working german shepherd

Here are three wonderful examples of working dogs in this day and age. They are not just awesome laborers but loving and adorable companions! Read about three working dogs in particular and what makes them so amazing. Whether you have a working dog or not, all dogs are deserving of our love and admiration!

Jany, a Belgian Shepherd, has set a new standard of accomplishment among military dogs by recently adding “parachuting” to her skill set. Jany is a four-legged member of the anti-terrorism squad of the Colombian Group of Air Special Commands. She was featured on the Huffington Post practicing jumping out of a plane and parachuting on to land potentially rigged with mines.

Lily, a yellow Lab mix, is a conservation dog who lives and works with her trainer in Cameroon. Her job is to find invasive Chinese bush clover and noxious emerald ash borers that attack healthy trees. She also hunts down black bear and gorilla scat to monitor certain wildlife populations. Her workmates are also trained to detect scat, carcasses, wildlife, plants, and weeds. A conservation dog’s work is never done.

Brutas is a rescue dog who works with the New York City Police Emergency Service K9 Unit searching for and rescuing people. In 2003, the pooch went to Staten Island amid boats and debris washed ashore by Hurricane Sandy to look for survivors and victims. All humans, dead or alive, constantly emit microscopic particles bearing their scent. Because of a dog’s heightened sense of smell, you can train Brutas to find just about anything. Dogs are particularly adept at picking up airborne scents associated with humans, which is why most police forces and fire stations use dogs for their search-and-rescue teams.

Then there are therapy dogs, often brought to hospitals and nursing homes, which you can read more about over on Dogtime.

Every day we learn more and more about our canine friends, what they can do for us and how we can utilize their trusting and giving natures. What isn't there to love about a domesticated working dog?

Give them a little love and some food and they are dedicated to you and what you need from them forever!


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