Amazing Working Dogs to Appreciate on Labor Day and Beyond

working german shepherd

We often feel a little sorry for canines labeled as “working dogs.” Although they are often treated very well we cannot get the image of a poor pup, chained to a tractor and forced to work night and day in the fields.

Of course, that is far from the truth.

Most working dogs are fed well, rested well, and are humanely trained to work at various jobs. And yes, they are loved. You can tell they feel a sense of satisfaction when they do their jobs well and their masters are pleased with them.

Ranchers give their dogs plenty of chores, looking out for dangerous pests near the chicken coops, guarding the home, and have their dogs working, rounding up sheep or cattle, for centuries!

Then there are the German police dogs bringing down the enemy and sniffing out drugs and explosives – and so much more!

After the break visit the next page and read more about our fierce and dedicated working “labor dogs” and their crowning achievements!

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