Why OH Why Is My Dog Eating Poop?! What It Means And How to Stop It

Let's face it: Poop is GROSS. No one get's excited to clean up after their pooch but we all (well, most of us) do it because it's the law. And frankly, having dog feces on our lawn or on the lawns of others is equally gross and rude. But why when we take every effort to avoid any sort of physical contact with this icky substance (plastic bags, gloves, hazmat suit), do our dogs….. gulp…. eat it as though it were dog kibble? Bleh

Eating the feces of other dogs and other species, particularly herbivores, is common with canines. It isn’t considered abnormal, just really disgusting and very undesirable. Many dogs will also ingest human feces if given the opportunity. Why do they do this and more importantly, how do you stop it

The good news (sort of) is that eating doggy doo-doo is not really harmful to the dog. The bad news is simply that they do devour dog dung.  And worse, other species fecal matter is often considered a delicacy to dogs. Cat, squirrel, and undigested bits of human and dog food in other dog’s feces is…well, yummy!

And then they want to go and give you lots of kisses…

Well, move on to the next page and find out more than you ever wanted to know about dogs and poop.

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