Ten Adorable Hybrid Pug Breeds You Never Knew Existed


Being a Pug parent is a blast. Even if you don't have a Pug in your family, you're probably by them a lot or are very tempted to get one! Their playful and infectious personalities provide so much joy, how can you not be around them?! Plus, who wouldn't love those flat, cute faces and curly tails?!

It's true — Pugs are the ideal breed to have a fur baby and this breed also does well with children. If you already have a Pug, and your Pug needs a playmate, then why not consider a hybrid Pug breed?

In case you're wondering what a hybrid Pug breed is, then you're in for a special treat. Doggies come in a variety shapes and sizes and if you mix a Pug with a King Charles Cavalier dog breed, for example, you get a Pugalier! This ‘designer breed,' as well as many other hybrid breeds, are sooo cute. Plus, by breeding a Pug with another doggy breed, you get another dog's personality and genetics added to the mix!

Believe me, when I say that even if you didn't know these Pug mixes existed, soon you won't be able to stop telling your friends about them.

Are you curious yet? To see some of the cutest hybrid Pugs ever, visit the next page. Learn about and see some of these adorable Pug ‘designer' dogs and I guarantee you will want one (or more) for yourself! 

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