Quirky Things Your Puppy May Do and Uncovering the Truth Behind Them…

pug puppy in a bag

Still haven't figured out why your puppy acts so silly? Find out below!

There are all kinds of funny things puppies do without even realizing it.

Some of these behaviors can be maddening, some hilarious, but they’re all head-scratching.

Passing out

They sleep all the time! But there’s something even weirder that many puppies do: pass out into a deep sleep without warning. One second they are playing ferociously, the next they are snoring.

Out-of-water paddling

For reasons that don’t completely make sense, puppies keep right on paddling for a while after you take them out of the water. Why? Are they afraid the water will return? Do they think it’s still there because they’re wet?

Eating their body weight in food

If you’ve ever wondered how in the world your puppy could eat so much in one feeding — or eat so many meals every day — you’re not alone. Puppies eat… and eat… and eat.

Gnawing… on everything 

In adult dogs, excessive chewing is a big problem that you need to address. But don’t hold puppies to the same standards. They chew on everything for a pretty good reason: teething.

Born to be wild

How is it possible that puppies can both be so tired that they pass out without warning and so hyper that they can skitter across your living room floor without breaking for hours? …Actually, wait, those two things totally make sense together.

Exploring everything 

Puppies’ innate desire to learn everything may lead to some frustration and even embarrassment if they, say, bring those chewed up underwear out when you’re having a party. But breathe deep, remember that it’s only a phase.

Your new puppy might seem like less of a mystery now that you know why he acts so strange! LOL! He's just trying to figure the world out.

For more information on quirky puppy behaviors, visit Cesar's Way.

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