Have a Broken Heart? These Surprising Signs May Mean Your Dog is Broken Hearted Too!

sad pug puppy

Shortly after Valentine's Day, it’s probably not appropriate to talk about broken hearts but, in a way it does fit. How many of us have to deal with this holiday every year, having just called it off with a loved one?

Well, you always have your dog, who is a firm upholder of loyalty and love. Your pup is there for the good times and bad and, even if you do not realize it, he knows when you are sad and can feel sad right along with you.

Through your grief you may not always see it but, in retrospect, who cuddled up with you during your tears, who stood and stared at you when you found yourself moody and unpredictable, and who brought you his toy – trying to cheer the both of you up – when all seemed lost?

Yes, your faithful dog.

Visit page two and check out a few signs that'll indeed confirm that your dog may be broken-hearted right along with you!

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21 thoughts on “Have a Broken Heart? These Surprising Signs May Mean Your Dog is Broken Hearted Too!

  1. My pug would put his back against mine when I was upset…the harder I cried, the harder he pushed. It was almost like he was absorbing the pain from me. He is 17 now…and still the most amazing little guy I have ever known. I love you, Monte.

  2. What a beautiful story, it brings tears to my eyes cause I have 3 poodles and I will be heartbroken if something like this will happen to them. Thankyou for sharing your story and yes dogs are lovable and protective and loyal to their humans.

  3. I had a breakdown last week and was sobbing. Hubs sitting next to me…our Pug jumped onto his lap. Looking frantically back and forth from me to him. Concern all over her face. She just laid down and put her chin on my leg. She didn’t know what to do.

  4. This evening I did an unforgivable thing. I slapped my little boys bum so hard. I was in tears and so was he. I feel so awful. He was a little rescue I’m certain I have done him great harm. He’s been so quiet all evening, unlike him. He is such a greedy little guy, pushes the two girls off their food plates and guzzles it so quickly. I can’t justify why I did what I did. I am so very sorry. I hope he will forgive me. So yes, my doggies do have emotions, as do all animals.

  5. Thank you Beverly. He is cuddled up next to me so I hope he has softened up a bit. I never strike my dogs, this evening was a mistake on both our parts. He started a little fight and it was unnecessary.

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