Does Helping Peta Really Help Animals? The Truth May Shock You…

pug and friend on the grass

Many have referred to PETA as a “terrorist” organization when it comes to animals. Many of their policies are not just “our way or the highway” but do not make a lot of sense! Read on to uncover more about this important issue, and then you can decide for yourself whether PETA takes things too far sometimes or if they are genuinely a good organization that helps with the needs of doggies and other fur kids!

As the rest of the country — and much of the world — is trying to reduce the number of animals who die in animal shelters, PETA has remained firmly against no-kill shelters, claiming “the results are often far worse for animals than a peaceful death through euthanasia.” In 2014, it killed 2,454 of the 3,369 animals to come into its Virginia shelter.

• It has a history of exploitative policies and ad campaigns that have been condemned for racism, sexism, and fat-shaming. One of its worst moments came during the 2014 Detroit water crisis, when it offered to pay the water bills of the first 10 families who would commit to a vegan diet for one month.

• In November 2014, a PETA van drove up to the home of Wilbur Cerate in Virginia; two people got out, took his dog from the porch, and drove away. After he contacted PETA, staff told him that his dog had been euthanized.

Make no mistake about it: Even as PETA struts and preens about its “ethics” of animal rights, it has the blood of thousands of animals on its hands. PETA isn’t good at much, but it is very, very good at PR, so that blood doesn’t show up in the public eye too often, so I can understand how Lily Tomlin and celebrities as diverse as Krysten Ritter, Siouxsie Sioux, Alan Cumming, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson could get sucked into its orbit. The group looks just warm and fuzzy enough that it’s easy to see the appeal to a star who wants to do some public service.

We think these celebrities were given a long and seemingly sincere song and dance about what PETA is and does and they are following because they sincerely think it’s the right thing to do. However, you have to wonder about an organization that states it is for animals but is against no-kill shelters…?

Something just is not adding up. What are your thoughts on this issue? To read more, visit Dogster.

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