Do Dogs Really Understand the Concept of Time? The Answer is Surprising.

pug waiting for a walk

Dogs are pretty smart animals. They seem to know a lot of things. They know that the food on your plate is a lot yummier than their dog food. They also know that the vacuum cleaner is definitely not a friend! LOL!

You also might notice that they seem to understand when it's about that time to go for a walk or when it's dinner time before you even let them know. So due to all this, it makes you wonder: Can dogs understand time?

After some research and recent studies, there is finally an answer to this age old question. Your pup might be a lot smarter than you initially thought! Seriously!

Check out the next page to find out if dogs really understand the concept of time! You won't believe the answer!

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47 thoughts on “Do Dogs Really Understand the Concept of Time? The Answer is Surprising.

  1. I think they can. My daughters tell me our dachshund Bogart starts going nuts about 15 minutes before I get home for work around 5pm. When I don’t get home at my normal time, they tell me he lays by the door until I do.

  2. Definitely-when I am off work and we are busy and his dinner time arrives…..he stops what he is doing (unless we are at the park or beach!!), and comes to me and sits and stares at me!

  3. Tom Neo Ashley I have Ziva Cortana and a boxer retriever mix named Koda and about 7 o’clock we cut up either watermelon or cantaloupe and they get about five small pieces at that time and we call it melon time!

  4. Heather Holland I did not mean to say do not my phone changes things. But I’m pretty sure they do. They come to me the same time everyday to be fed, and when it’s time for my husband to get home they all line up in front of the door waiting to see him. Sorry about the earlier post. I think dogs are smarter than people!

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