An Undeniable Sign That Reveals Your Dog Is Empathizing With You and Feels Your Pain


Often a dog will reflect the environment he lives in. If a pooch is living in a stressful household, people yelling and possibly throwing things; the dog will be nervous. If it’s a calmer household with well-behaved children and a loving atmosphere, the dog will appear happier and playful.

In other words, your dog can easily pick up on your emotions. It has everything to do with your voice, body language and other emotional and bodily clues. It has even been suggested Fido can read your facial expressions as well!

Have you ever found yourself crying and the dog will quietly come up to you, looking submissive? Experts say they are not showing fear but ARE showing empathy!

Visit the next page and learn more about what you can do to ease both you and your doggie’s stress levels!

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