7 Normal (But Actually Kind of Weird) Doggie Behaviors You’ve Caught Fido Doing

confused pug

It's true, dog's often do many weird things that we don't always understand. Eating poop?! How gross! But in reality, there may be a reason why your pooch is eating poop. You may also be wondering why your doggy runs around in circles? Find out the answer to these questions and more!

It’s not surprising that our beloved canine companions’ behavior is sometimes confusing to us. After all, it’s not like they can tell us why they do certain things! But is your pooch’s behavior normal, or a sign of something more troubling?

1. Barking at Mirrors

Most of the time, dogs grow out of it as they age, losing interest in their own reflections.

2. Separation Anxiety.

Many dogs experience separation anxiety — they just love you THAT much! Often, this is a result of changes in routines, moving, household membership changes or after moving in with a new family.

3. Eating Poop

Eating feces is actually a fairly typical behavior for canine mothers, because it cleans the area where they are caring for their puppies. Some evidence also suggests that dogs eat feces when they’re lacking in certain nutrients.

4. Hating Other Dogs.

Dogs who weren’t socialized at an early age around fellow canines will understandably have some aggression towards unknown dogs. Conversely, some dogs that have been socialized around other dogs seem to pick and choose which dogs they like. Dogs perceive a massive amount of information through scent, and two dogs may find something off-putting about each other’s smells.

5. Spinning Around in Circles

Plenty of dogs spin around and around for what seems like forever. Some breeds, including bull terriers in particular, are especially susceptible to this behavior. While this is often normal dog behavior, it can also be a sign of stress or anxiety.

6. Being Scared of Thunderstorms

Dogs have far more sensitive hearing than humans, so it’s understandable that the loud noises accompanying storms don’t exactly delight our canine companions.

7. Having Sensitive Spots.

There can be several reasons for this — everything from a recent injury to poor socialization as a puppy — but, often, this is simply because, well, dogs just don’t like to be touched in certain spots.

Wasn't that just interesting?! I bet everything makes sense for you now! LOL! Even if you have more questions, hopefully, these cleared up some of your questions. And remember — sometimes there isn't an answer why your pup loves running circles. It may simply mean he has a lot of energy! Anyway, I'm sure your doggy appreciates you taking that extra effort to understand him.

For more information on doggy behaviors, visit Care2.

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