(Video) Soldier Receives Service Dog, Then Discovers the Truth About the Woman Inmate Who Trained Him

dog reunion

Bill Campbell, a good man, and an injured Iraqi veteran has a great dog. Pax is a faithful, happy, and a well taught yellow Labrador – just what this hero needs to maintain his own calm and content demeanor after being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

What he and his family did not know was Pax's trainer was not an ordinary pooch handler. In truth, he was trained by Laurie, a dedicated lady, and an inmate at a woman’s correctional facility who was schooled herself to train dogs!

In a video published back in November of 2014, a story that piqued the interest of none other than Oprah Winfrey, we see Pax brought back to visit with his one-time trainer. Even after months apart we can see their incredible bond! Go to the next page and see their reunion!

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