Nap Time Police: This Doggie Mom Lays Down The Law


Have you ever tried putting a baby down for a nap? Sometimes it's so effortless, it's as though you did even need to try. Their blinking slows down and eventually their eyes close, their breathing becomes soft and rhythmic.. aaaaaand they're OUT. It's a wonderful feeling. And then there are the other times when nothing you do (singing lullabies, reading a book, rocking them in a chair or patting them softly while in your arms) will work.

This German Shepherd mommy says it's nap time. And the topic is not up for debate!

So precious! We'd love to know if this is a recurring issue between the momma and her baby. Is she always like this? Does the pup eventually obey and take a nap? So good. We absolutely loved it.

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