Guess What?! We Can Finally Solve the Mystery Why a Dog Turns Around Several Times Before Sitting Down HERE!

pug resting on a purple bed

I'm sure you've seen your doggy getting ready to lay down for a nap on your couch, bed or carpet. That usually follows by a few rounds of circles your doggy makes right before settling down, right? It's so fun to watch, but it's such a mystery!

Do you ever wonder why exactly do dogs do this? It's very strange, but it happens almost every time! Well, you'll finally learn the answer here! Now you're doggy will be less of a mystery! LOL!

If you're curious enough to find out the reason behind your pup's funny behavior, keep reading!

To find out why your pup turns around in several circles before laying down, read on after the break. The results will astound you!

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9 thoughts on “Guess What?! We Can Finally Solve the Mystery Why a Dog Turns Around Several Times Before Sitting Down HERE!

  1. I don’t know who this scientist is, but he’s wrong. It is a hard wired thing for dogs since they lived on the African plain. In an attempt to settle the long grass to bed down they circle trampling the grass.

  2. While they all have a variety of personalities and behaviors, there is one thing every dog has done without any training… turned around many times in circles before lying down.


    While there is no scientific data that answers this age old question, Stanley Coren, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia, recently wrote about his observations after doing an experimental study.

    Based on the experimental study of 62 dogs who were observed in playpens with their owners nearby, dogs presented with an uneven surface were three times more likely to turn around before lying down. Also, the dogs with the uneven surface were much more likely to circle more than once before lying down, compared to the dogs with the even surface.

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