5 Reasons Older Dogs RULE!


Old dogs can often be overlooked treasures. Think about your favorite worn of super comfy, broken in, classic shoes. They're reliable, durable and they always retain their value. Maybe comparing your old dog to a pair of old shoes isn't the best analogy, but the facts are accurate! We love our adult dogs just as much, if not more, than when they were pups.


1. They love snuggling!

Sometimes its difficult to get a puppy to relax and sit still. They have so much energy that taking naps or sleeping in the bed with you is practically impossible. With older dogs, they're far more subdued and they appreciate quiet time, naps in the sun, and sleeping in with their humans on the weekends.

Original Image Source: ehemphil2014  

2. They're Loyal

Older dogs have a sense of loyalty to their owners that younger dogs can only develop with time. Adult dogs appreciate their humans and the love their family show them. All of these things build a sense of loyalty within your pooch. If in doubt, just watch any of the thousands of videos online showcasing military men returning home to their dogs. No matter who was taking care of them during that time away, those dogs know who their owners are and they swarm them with love as a demonstration of loyalty. We love those videos….

Original Image Source: Bruce McKay

3. They enjoy special moments

Sometimes when you're on a walk outdoors or at the beach, you stop and look around yourself and realize how appreciative you are. We can get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life so easily. So when we have a moment to relax, reflect and take it all in, it's a glorious feeling. Your older pup knows all about this feeling. Just look at them next time you're truly enjoying a special moment. You'll see it in their eyes. We just know it!

Original Image Source: Darren Glanville


4. They're patient

There are play days and there are work days. And sometimes those play days somehow morph into work days. But your old dog understands that you've got laundry to get start, homework to finish, or a presentation to draft. They know you'll take them outside when you're done. They're not jumping up and down and barking to get your attention. They already know you love them. And now they want to return that love by showing you how truly patient they can be.

Original File Source: David Poe


5. They're perfect companions when WE grow old

We don't like to think about aging. Who does? But it's a reality all of us face. As we grow older, we start to slow down a bit and we appreciate people and friends who are also on the same page. Having an older dog to grow old with can be a wonderful experience. You will both be thankful for one another company and love.

Original Image Source: fotografierenderpunk


Do You Love Older Dogs?

If so, tell us why. We'd love to hear your thoughts and stories on why you feel older dogs are the absolute best! Tell us in the comments section below and feel free to share photos of your pooch as well.


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