Your Dog Sees a Lot Through Her Eyes – Find Out What it’s Like!

big pug eyes

What does your doggy really see? Find out!

Here’s a little bit of background information on how your pup sees the world and how you can use that knowledge to help make him a little bit happier.

They See Color

Dogs have only two types of cones in their eyes, while humans have three. This makes dogs’ vision similar to that of color-blind humans.

They also are much better at seeing far away … but they’re not so great at seeing things up close.

They “See” the World Through Smell

Dogs truly see the world with their noses. They have an incredible sense of smell, one that humans can only imagine.

This can help us understand why dogs do some of the things they do. Dogs learn about one another through scent.

They Perceive Domination in Things You Wouldn’t Expect

Based on this fact, Horowitz explains that when we give dogs “anti-anxiety jackets” to calm them down, we’re really just putting them into a submissive mode. This also explains why dogs are so loathe to wear sweaters or be held on their backs.

They Love You

Dog owners don’t really need scientific proof that their pups love them (that big smile and wagging tail is proof enough!), but it’s interesting to see the evidence.

Another example of the unique bond between humans and dogs lies in our ability to make eye contact with one another. According to Horowitz’ book, no other animal—not even cats, as much as we love them—share a dog’s ability to follow a human’s gaze.

Dogs are truly amazing creatures. They're able to see and understand things with their eyes and noses! I found it hilarious that a dog can see better far away than up close! LOL! That explains a lot!

For more on how your pooch sees the world, check out care2.

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