Your Dog Just Got Stung by a Bee. Whether He’s Allergic or Not, THIS Is What You Should Do…

pug sniffing the grass

OH NO! It looks like your pooch may have gotten nasty bee stung! OUCH! We all know how that feels, right?! Besides the pinch and the pain, bee stings often lead to horrible swelling! And, you should also be aware that some dogs may have a severe reaction!

Did you also know that doggies can also experience the same symptoms when they get stung by bees? That's right, they feel our pain too! AWW!

Luckily, if your adorable pooch gets stung by a passing bee, you'll be ready to know what to do! These simple steps will show you what to do and what to watch out for! You really want to make sure that your pooch isn't allergic to bees!

Find out what you can do if your pooch gets stung by a bee on the next page!

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8 thoughts on “Your Dog Just Got Stung by a Bee. Whether He’s Allergic or Not, THIS Is What You Should Do…

  1. My poor little guy got stung on the foot about 2 years ago. It was a very sad swollen foot for a bit and he was a very sad puggle for a few hours. Poor baby jumped several feet in the air and yelped when it happened.

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