Woman Comforts Those Who Have Lost A Dog by Doing Something Unexpected and Heartwarming

There's no doubt about it; it's heartbreaking to lose a pet. Not only are you losing a part of your family, but you are losing a beloved pet that you've probably owned for years. And once they're gone you will miss their company, smile, daily cuddles, and their beautiful personality that brought you so much joy.

It's okay to grieve, and for many pet parents they wish they could have something of their pet they could hold onto after the loss. Many don't even get the chance to say goodbye, so for those parents who do get to bid farewell to their furry friend before their passing it's a very special time indeed.

April Kramer knows the pain of losing a pet all too well. When she lost her dog Libra she was heartbroken, but instead of being completely devastated, she chose to provide comfort to other pet parents that have lost a pet.

Find out how April is providing support to pet parents who have lost a dog too on the next page. 

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