This Entire Town Shuts Down Once a Year to Celebrate Rescue Pets. When I Saw What This Town Does, I Was in Tears…

dog treat at dog fest

How does one town celebrate their rescued pets? Find out and be amazed!

One day a year, the southwest Florida town where I live closes its main street to traffic — and opens it to rescue pets and the people who love them.

Last Saturday was Gulfport’s 12th annual Get Rescued festival.

dog party

Via  Arin Greenwood

These included, of course, lots and lots of dogs and cats.

dpggy festVia Passion 4 Pits

As well as miniature horses, who live at Apache Way Farm Rescue – a sanctuary for abused and neglected animals.

mini horse

Via Arin Greenwood

Gulfport’s mayor is all in, too — no surprise, because the joke in this wonderful town is that if you see a baby carriage being pushed around here, there’s more likely to be a dog in it than a human.

dog fest

One of Mayor Sam Henderson‘s own dogs, in fact, came from Get Rescued in 2011. That guy is now big brother to a young stray Pit Bull who showed up at the house — and stuck around — about a month ago. You sure can’t say Gulfport isn’t welcoming to pets!

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Via Arin Greenwood

Organizer Suzanne King said she’s thrilled by how much Get Rescued has grown since she first got involved a decade ago.


Via Florida English Bulldog Rescue

Back then, she said, Get Rescued consisted of a few rescue groups setting up shop in a small courtyard.
King estimates that Get Rescued and Tails at Twilight also raised about $17,000, which will be distributed to the rescues.

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Via Arin Greenwood

King can’t say exactly how many people and their furry companions were in attendance beyond that “it was a lot of legs.”
dog treat


These incredible people are so full of love! It's no wonder these pets are the happiest around! They get a whole day for themselves to celebrate. I still can't believe it!

For more on this town's animal festival day, be sure to check out Bark Post.

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