This Pooch Took His ‘Service Dog’ Role To The Next Level And It’s The Sweetest Thing Ever!

Wherever the blind pup Glenn goes Buzz follows, as he gently nudges his furry friend to go in the right direction. He also shows him where his food is when it's time to eat. They even go on walks together! Friendly and loving towards humans and other dogs, these two BFF's deserve a forever home that they'll love.

It's already incredible that they're two friends that are inseparable! What a touching story that shows you that love comes in many forms. We're so glad that Buzz can help Glenn see and we're sure Glenn provides much comfort to his furry friend too.

Glenn and Buzz are two abandoned friends looking for a home

Glenn is blind, but that’s OK – Buzz helps him get around

He’ll nudge him towards the food bowl, the kennel, or even his bed at the Stray Aid shelter where they live

They grow anxious when separated, so the shelter’s staff want them to be adopted together

Man’s best friend? More like dog’s best friend!

Aren't these two pups the best testimony of true puppy love? If these two pups haven't been adopted already, we hope they find a loving home where they can live out the rest of their days together. You can read more about Buzz and Glenn on Bored Panda.

Obviously they must stay together as they will continue to help one another through anything. They deserve a wonderful forever family!

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